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Informatica Developer

Client: Wipro

Job Details

Job Description

  • Computer skills – a thorough knowledge of computer programming, coding, and various operating and database systems is a must for Informatica developers
  • Time management – Informatica developers should have the ability to quickly develop data warehousing systems and solve any issues to ensure the continued accuracy of business data
  • Creativity – the ability to create mappings from scratch often calls for strong creative skills on the part of an Informatica developer
  • Analytical thinking – Informatica developers should be able to analyze data needs and options and understand the needs of various clients
  • Troubleshooting – when data warehousing systems are down, it falls to Informatica developers to quickly assess the problem and provide a solution
  • Team collaboration – Informatica developers rarely work alone; they typically interact closely with database managers and other IT specialists when maintaining, storing, and retrieving data

Key Skills