Hobbies in resume with 60+ examples

image of Hobbies in resume with 60+ examples

Do you know that most employers spend around 3 minutes and 15 seconds looking at your resume? Where 2 out of every ten recruiters decide you in 60 seconds. It is one of the reasons why it should be concrete, where you can express your capabilities, interests, and hobbies in resume.

Many recruiters get confused between interests and hobbies in resume. For example, the interest could be visiting multiple places and trying different food items, whereas a hobby could be participating in swimming classes in free time. In many cases where candidates do not have much professional work experience, they can showcase their personality by presenting their interests and hobbies to stand out among other potential applicants.

This article will discuss hobbies and interests, tips for choosing the right hobbies, things to avoid doing, and the 60+ best hobbies in resume. These examples will help you choose the right ones to enhance your resume and social skills and give you a chance to get selected for the interview process.

How To List Hobbies in Resume

A resume is crucial in impacting the chances of getting selected for a job. Therefore, it is essential to list your hobbies in resume appropriately. Here are some ways to do it:

Identify relevant hobbies as per the job

Adding hobbies in resume that are associated with the job’s skills can benefit you. Use the interests and hobbies that seem right for the job.

For example: Suppose you are applying for a job in a sales company. In that case, you can add marketing-related skills such as social media skills, content editing, mobile advertising, and more to your resume. Nevertheless, do not worry if it does not suit the job profile; you can also replace it with the soft skills required.

Suppose the job requires a person with effective communication; you can add hobbies such as great writing and verbal skills, team player, leadership skills, etc. It will help you look ideal for the job over other candidates.

Title your hobbies as interests

A resume is an important document that needs to be professional. However, writing the word hobbies in resume can sound casual. Instead, you can replace the word hobbies with a title.

Nonetheless, both the words talk about the same thing, but it will prevent the casual representation and make it look more professional. It will help recruiters determine your skills, personality, and strengths.

Mention interests at the end of the resume

Interests and hobbies in resume are an additional section for recruiters. If we talk about the format, a resume starts with an objective, qualifications, work history, skills, contact details, etc.

If you want to add a section, you can place it at the end after providing all the essential information suitable for the job.

Add 4-5 relevant interests/Hobbies related to your field

Every hobby is important and holds a particular value. Hence, you should add hobbies representing your skills, interests, and personality applicable to the job you are applying for.

Adding such skills can enhance your value and increase your chances of getting selected for the job. Suppose you are a radio jockey who loves poetry, reading, writing, etc. These skills will make you look creative and add value to your resume.

Go through the job description to choose the right hobbies

You must review the job description to add a relevant hobby to your resume. Almost every employer lists the skills they want in an employee. You can go through the list to identify your hobbies; it can be anything soft or hard skills, and add accordingly.

Do not add inappropriate hobbies

After reading it, if you find hobbies that are not ideal for your job, do not add them to your resume. It is a choice, and if you think you can save space by adding other essential information, do that.

Add hobbies in resume only if you have space

It is said that a resume should be no longer than 1 to 2 pages. Adding an extra hobby section in the already extended document may look odd. Therefore, do not spend much time on it; only add it if you have sufficient space.

Your resume need to be like this:
Hobbies In Resume

Tips On How To Add The Best Hobbies in Resume

Interests and hobbies are some points that most people do not consider while writing a resume. It supports your resume in multiple instances when you have no work experience, giving the hiring manager an idea of the candidate as a person. Therefore, you should mention your interests and hobbies in resume.

Here are a few tips you must remember while mentioning hobbies in resume

  • Research About The Company: The first thing you should do is research the company and find out about its work culture. It will help if you read the job description to find the relevant interest that would complement the position and form an instant connection with the company.
  • Modify Your Hobbies: If you find that the company is looking for outgoing applicants, who are good socialisers, you can tailor your hobbies accordingly. However, add a list of hobbies instead of generic items like travelling or reading that exhibit quality the company would like, such as photography, digital designing, 3D printing, and more.
  • Write Varieties Of Hobbies: When you write interests and hobbies in resume, try adding various hobbies. By doing this, you would be letting the company know that you can relate to several people, work and are flexible to handle various situations.

Why Should You Put Hobbies in Resume?

Some people believe that a resume is a living and breathing document that creates the first impression from a professional front. Here are the top three reasons why putting hobbies in resume is important for your career:

Hobbies in Resume: Highlight Transferable Skills

A successful candidate should be presentable, confident, and outgoing. If you choose hobbies that support your personality and job description, you will prove that you are perfect for this job profile. However, try not to go overboard by exaggerating it, so keep it short and straightforward.

Hobbies in Resume: Proves That You Are Culturally Fit

Extracurricular work will support your resume. However, be honest about what you enjoy, and always think about how it can relate to the work culturally. Hence, it is essential to research the company you are applying to and its missions and values so that you can add accordingly.

Hobbies in Resume: Can Start A Conversation

Sometimes, hobbies and interests act as an icebreaker during the conversation. If you have particular interests or passions, stick to them, as they can help you communicate with people with similar interests. It can be digital illustration, sports activity, painting, learning different languages, etc.

Examples Of 60+ Hobbies in Resume

Writing the best hobbies in resume can be tricky, but you should keep in mind not to show too much information about yourself; whatever you put there must be relevant and ethical from the professional front.

Art and Culture Hobbies

Art and culture are two prominent elements that connect work and creativity. Here are some top hobbies you can add to your resume based on your interests.


This simple hobby can enhance your creative skills and self-confidence. Art shows numerous ways to solve a problem, enabling you to build focus that can be highly useful throughout your life and career.

Playing musical instruments

Playing musical instruments has numerous benefits. It is a skill you can enjoy for the rest of your life, bringing endless learning opportunities and increased creativity.

Acting in theatre groups

Acting is a fun hobby that will enable you to explore many aspects and help you join numerous acting communities. It helps develop communication skills, problem-solving abilities, willingness to work in a team, and respect for deadlines.


It is one of the most fulfilling and inspiring hobbies. It will allow you to capture infinite memories, express yourself in multiple ways, and connect with people on a broader level. Besides, it is a skill where you can learn various technical applications related to photography.

Writing movie/TV series reviews

If you love watching movies, you can spend your leisure time writing movie and TV series reviews. It will help you enhance your knowledge about different films and TV series in terms of storyline, cinematography, casting directors, actors, special effects, and more.


Woodworking is one of the top satisfying hobbies since they create something useful that can be used for multiple purposes. It will enhance your creative skills and help you build critical thinking.

Singing live music

Singing live music is at the top of the list of hobbies and interests. It can raise consciousness, lower stress, develop the brain, strengthen the heart, and decrease cardiac diseases. Besides, it also helps in shaping a career and emulates outgoing nature.

Learning a new language

Getting exposure to different languages is a fantastic hobby. It improves memory, problem-solving skills, and recall functions. It is said that people who are good at other languages are good observers and multi-taskers.

Attending sculpture classes

People who love making sculptures have a keen sense of detail. It helps in developing creativity skills, problem-solving skills, and more. This interest will also help you learn new sculpture-making techniques such as carving, polishing, modelling, sculpting, etc.

Teaching dance lessons

Do you love teaching dance lessons? If yes, it is one of the best ways to represent the employer that you are open to learning new things. It is one of the best activities you can indulge in, where you can teach numerous forms of dancing such as ballet, freestyle, folk dance, contemporary, hip hop, etc.

Work-Related Hobbies

If you find interest in learning and acquiring new skills as your hobby is highly connected to work, here are some of the best hobbies you can put in your resume.

Video editing

This hobby can be a beneficial hobby for you, as you can get a chance to learn numerous video editing tools and techniques. It can be rewarding for you from both a personal and professional front. Some top video editing tools are Adobe Premiere Pro, CyberLink PowerDirector 365, Apple Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere Elements, etc.

Creative writing

If creative writing is your hobby, you will always want to explore more. It creates a different world for the writer, enabling them to live there. Other than that, it strengthens the work ethic and discipline.

Photo editing

Photo editing is one of the best work-related hobbies, allowing you to play with numerous editing techniques and effects. It is an enriching hobby that can help you build brands, increase sales, and more. Throughout the process, you will also get a chance to learn numerous photo editing software such as Photoshop, Corel PaintShop Pro, CyberLink PhotoDirector 365, Affinity Photo, and more.


It gives you complete freedom to create whatever you want, allowing you to create your online community and build trust among your audience. The best part is that you will thoroughly enhance your technical, writing, and communications skills.

Graphic designing

Graphic designing is nothing but a superior skill. It is the same as product designing and custom designing. It will help you strengthen your creative, artistic, and presentation skills. This hobby can help you get hired at some of the best companies.

Online learning

Learning is never limited, as there is always more to learn. If you are one of those people who love online learning, then there are numerous platforms available where you can enhance your knowledge. Coursera, Udemy, Skillshare, Udacity, and other top online learning platforms.

Programming & coding

Programming and coding can be one of my most rewarding hobbies. With this hobby, you can master multiple programming languages. Besides this, it will help you understand the technology and enhance your problem-solving skills.

Networking events

Networking is essential for professional growth. It can involve meeting new people, assisting them, attending recent events, etc. Its significant advantages are strengthening business relationships, enhancing your profile, advancing your career, offering new opportunities, etc.


Journaling can be an excellent hobby for you. It has numerous positive impacts, such as improving mental health, lowering stress levels, etc. From a professional front, it will enhance your writing skills and boost your memory.


Scrapbooking is a process of arranging and crafting previous memories in document form. It has various benefits, such as improving memories, giving your brain a workout, helping you relax, working as a social mechanism, and more.

Outdoor Activity Hobbies

Do you love outdoor activities? Here are some top outdoor adventure hobbies you can consider adding to your resume. It would not just make your resume unique but will also reflect your interests.


Gardening is the process of cultivating plants, and the gardener is responsible for preparing the land and planting elements. It is an excellent physical activity, improves hand strength, boosts immunity, etc.


Fishing is an outdoor activity of catching fish for different purposes, such as trading and recreating. Some of the methods include trapping and hooking. The exercise improves your concentration, enhances self-esteem, and gives you a natural experience.


Hiking is one of the favourite outdoor hobbies for many people, which involves walking across long distances, basically on trails and paths. It is an ideal way to engage in the culture and history of a place. It helps maintain fitness, improves blood pressure & sugar levels, boosts bone density, and more.


Camping is an outdoor recreational activity, which is highly evident now. It is categorised in numerous forms, such as tent camping, glamping, backpacking, kayak camping, etc. It improves physical fitness, reduces stress, develops new skills, increases confidence, and more.


Swimming is an outdoor activity involving moving through the water and building core strength. This hobby can be continued for a lifetime and burns many calories. With this hobby, you can apply for multiple job opportunities such as school swimming coach, sports writer, swimming instructor, etc.

Horseback riding

Horseback riding is an outdoor activity that involves riding a horse and controlling its movement and speed. However, to become a professional horseback rider, you need to gain training from experts. It suits mental health, builds core strength, improves breathing, etc.

Martial arts

Martial arts is the form of several combinations used for self-defence. Its primary purpose is physically defeating the opponent against any threat. It can help you develop mental stability, emotional intelligence, and self-confidence.


Dancing is one of the most common hobbies involving sequences of movements. However, different forms of dancing help in weight management, strengthen muscles, build memory, and improve heart and lungs.

Bird watching

It is a great outdoor activity where you observe different species of birds. It keeps the mind active and healthy, offers a chance for scenery, connects you with nature, and improves psychological health.


It is a fun water sports activity that involves moving through the water in a small water vessel. Kayaking permits the boat driver to drive through waterways by sitting face-forward and propelling ahead by taking turns with side-to-side paddle strokes. It enhances cardiovascular fitness, increases muscle arms, helps in losing belly fat, etc.

Unique Hobbies

Here is a list of unique hobbies that will make your resume stand out in the crowd. You can add these hobbies to your resume based on your interests to impress your employer.


Baking is an excellent therapeutic hobby which consists of using the oven. You can bake multiple items, such as cakes, pies, cookies, muffins, and more. It improves appetite, reduces stress, etc.

Standup comedy

Standup comedies are short performances where a comedian shares humorous stories, one-liners, or rude jokes. Many standup comedians use props to support their activities. It reduces stress and blood pressure and builds good networking with the audience.


Calligraphy is the art of creating beautiful symbols with hands. It is a great hobby that enhances creativity. It helps develop strong memory, enhances creativity and develops thinking skills.


Fencing is a sport of swordplay, which people of any age can play. It is a physical and mental activity that fencers learn to strategise against their opponents. It builds physical endurance and increases coordination, flexibility, and strength.


Embroidery is a unique hobby involving applying designs to fabric using a needle and thread. The best part of this hobby is that it develops and enhances creativity. Besides this, you can also upcycle old items using embroidery.


Sewing is a mindful activity, using a needle and thread to repair things. In simple words, it is attaching items using stitches. The significant advantages of this hobby are that it gives a sense of achievement, improves creativity, and reduces anxiety.


It is an ancient crafting activity which involves preparing creative and minute paper designs. Quilling is cutting papers in different forms to paste them together to create a unique design.


Cooking is a popular hobby which combats the feeling of loneliness and anxiety. It is one of the best stress-busters that helps explore creativity, enhance knowledge, and promote health. Besides this, you can also choose this as a profession.


Archery is the sport of using a bow to shoot arrows. It is a great hobby that keeps the mind sharp, improves upper body strength, develops discipline and focus, etc.


Graffiti is an expression of art written or drawn in public places, which shows ideological content or the social reality of the moment. It represents emotion, brings awareness, and develops creativity.

Sports Hobbies

If you love playing sports, why not add them to your resume? You can add your athletic hobbies to your resume and show your accomplishments to your potential employer.


Cricket is a popular sport in different counties. It consists of eleven players in each team, and the game is played between two players. Some of its significant advantages are balance, coordination, and fitness.


It is a popular game played with a baseball bat and ball. The players hit the ball and run around the four points, also known as bases. The players need to touch all the bases to score a run. It improves coordination and builds leadership skills. Besides this, it also promotes overall fitness.


It is a versatile hobby which has multiple benefits from both professional and personal aspects. Its benefits include increased lung capacity, toned legs, and improved cardiovascular health. Besides this, you can also start your career in this as an athletic trainer, sports writer, shoe store sales associate, and more.


It is a healthy hobby that improves numerous aspects of life. It helps develop mental well-being, helps lose weight, builds muscle, and strengthens the immune system.


Hockey is a field game played by two teams of eleven players who hit and pass the ball into a goal to make a score. With this hobby, you can start your career as an international hockey player, coach, or sports writer. Its top advantages are coordination, teamwork, increased alertness, and improved resistance power of the hands.


Golf is a sport where players use multiple clubs to hit the balls in different holes throughout a few strokes. It benefits a core workout that builds character, enhances business relationships, and offers relaxation.


It is one of the best hobbies that enhance multiple things, such as greater muscle mass, good posture, better brain function, hand-eye coordination, etc. If you are experienced in this hobby, you can start your career as a gym trainer, fitness instructor, national or international player, etc.


Volleyball is a widely known sport played using a net and a ball. There are two teams on each side of the net, where the ball is hit across the net, ensuring it does not hit the ground. It tones muscles, improves teamwork, builds alertness, and increases aerobic activity.


Football is a team sport between two teams of eleven players, played on a rectangular grass field. It has numerous benefits, such as improving blood pressure, reducing body fat, increasing muscle, teamwork, and even boosting confidence.


It is a game of two players with five players in each team. There is a net basket tied high up with a pole, where each team tries to throw the ball in the basket to make score. It has numerous advantages, for example, improving balance and coordination, building endurance, burning calories, etc.

Volunteering Hobbies

If you actively participate in volunteering activities, you can use your hobbies section to list the work you have done. In addition, you can add the organisation you worked for, the tasks you completed, and their duration.

Fostering animals

Animal fostering is a great hobby. Foster caregivers help animals by providing them with short-term safe home environments. It will help you with improving your fostering skills. You will get to see if you can own another pet, and you will be saving a life.

Working for multiple communities or committees

It is one of the most responsible hobbies, where you indulge in various communities, be it business-related, social welfare-related, etc. With this hobby, you can enhance your communication skills, teamwork, problem-solving skills, time management skills, etc.

Volunteering with religious organisations

There are numerous charities and organisations where you can volunteer to create a social difference in society. Its primary advantage is enhancing your knowledge and developing teamwork and communication skills.

Working with NGOs for the homeless

Working with NGOs for the homeless is a different experience different from working with a company. In addition, when you work with an NGO, you choose to work with something you believe in. Volunteering with NGOs will make your profile stand out, offer multiplied growth opportunities, develop your communication skills, increase networking, etc.

Environmental volunteering-related work

There are many ways to volunteer for environment-related work. You can participate in movements, grow a community garden, plant trees, protect public lands, etc. It improves society, strengthens community power, and increases the network.

Social impact volunteer works

Social volunteering helps connect people to social causes and creates a bigger and better community. It aims to lower the risk of depression and anxiety, and one can attain it by creating more and more networks with people.

Tourism volunteering

It is also known as voluntourism, in which travellers participate in voluntary work worldwide. It brings money to the community, increases funds, and improves tourism in the country.

Participate in the wildlife conservation project

Wildlife conservation is an act of protecting wildlife animals and their habitats. It is essential because it promotes tourism attraction, adds medicinal value, promotes pollination, promotes tourism, and offers aesthetic benefits.

Promoting hygiene among youth

Health and hygiene awareness among youth is one of the best ways to protect yourself and the community from infectious diseases. It also prevents illnesses and builds higher confidence and self-esteem.

Work for women’s empowerment

Women empowerment means promoting women’s self-worth, equality, and other ability to make their own choices. It will make your resume stand out, and you will be able to make more networks. During this activity, you can enhance your communication skills and gain good social respect.

Volunteer at a holistic centre

Volunteering at a holistic centre is a great way to release stress and fight depression, anger and loneliness. It is one of the best ways to lead a healthy life. Moreover, it also helps develop problem-solving, communication, and critical thinking skills.

Things To Avoid While Adding Hobbies To Resume

While writing interests or hobbies in resume, you must avoid some things. It will help you give the recruiter a fuller and complete picture of your personality and professional experience. Other than that, here are the five essential points that you should consider when writing hobbies in resume:

  • Do not write about vague hobbies like watching TV series or movies.
  • Try not to exaggerate the hobbies section to create a good impression.
  • Avoid writing hobbies that do not match the company culture and services.
  • Do not write about any irrelevant hobbies that do not match the job profile you are applying for.
  • Refrain from writing about religious, political, or controversial interests.


You can consider adding these top hobbies and interests to your resume. Meanwhile, do not forget that hobbies are for you, so you should always list them based on your interest.  It would help you connect with the position you are applying for. We hope this article is helpful for you and will help you list your interests and hobbies in resume accordingly.

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